Intraosseous anesthesia, an effective technic


All patients want a pain-free experience at the dentist. While pain management in dentistry has long been a neglected topic, today it's a major concern and a priority for your dentist.

Intraosseous anesthesia is simple to perform, effective and practically risk-free, making it a wise choice among anesthetic techniques. In fact, at some dental centres, it's the standard method used. Because the technique delivers consistent and conclusive results, practitioners often prefer it to other methods, especially since it doesn't involve any postoperative complications.

Intraosseous anesthesia (IOA) works immediately, its duration depending on the amount of anesthetic used and the type of vasoconstrictor administered. The first step is to apply anesthetic to the mucous membrane. The needle's design allows for painless application. The second step involves perforating the cortical bone by rotating the needle. This action is performed intermittently to avoid heating the site. Because the cortical bone has no nerve endings, the patient feels no pain at this stage. Your dentist will let you know in advance of the vibrating sensation and noise generated by the needle's motor. The third and final step is the slow and gradual injection of anesthetic solution. Your dentist will determine the quantity to inject and the vasoconstrictor’s concentration based on the planned operating time. The vasoconstriction effect may be felt by the patient. Specifically, the patient may experience mild tachycardia (increased heart rate), which subsides rapidly. Your dentist should inform you of this common side effect just prior to the procedure.

Intraosseous anesthesia is so effective because anesthetic fluid is injected directly inside the cancellous bone, where it can easily access the apex of the tooth requiring treatment. In other words, a local anesthetic is applied exactly where it will be most effective. Indeed, the further the injection site is from the apex of the affected tooth, the more anesthetic fluid is needed. This explains the undesirable effects associated, for example, with mandibular block injections (difficulty speaking and eating, numbness and risk of biting, swelling of the face, etc.). In many cases, these inconveniences impact appearance and function for several hours.

No problem, you say? These effects may well be benign and short-lived in the majority of cases. But what if there was a method that had the same anesthetic benefit without the negative side effects? The answer is clear! Your dentist will be able to offer you the preferred technique at the right moment. You’ll already be well informed!